Justin Martyr on why Christians don’t kill themselves if they think Death is not to be feared

About the Author:

St. Justin Martyr is one of the principal witnesses to the beliefs and practices of Christians in the second century. Justin was a Platonist philosopher from Palestine who wrote two apologies, that is, defences of the faith. The first apology was addressed to the Roman Emperor himself, Antoninus Pius, and the second to the Roman senate, both expressing the injustice of persecution against the Christians. In the second apology, Justin explains that Christians do not fear death and even long to leave this life; nevertheless, they do not kill themselves. Here’s why.

But lest some one say to us, “Go then all of you and kill yourselves, and pass even now to God, and do not trouble us,” I will tell you why we do not so, but why, when examined, we fearlessly confess. We have been taught that God did not make the world aimlessly, but for the sake of the human race; and we have before stated that He takes pleasure in those who imitate His properties, and is displeased with those that embrace what is worthless either in word or deed. If, then, we all kill ourselves we shall become the cause, as far as in us lies, why no one should be born, or instructed in the divine doctrines, or even why the human race should not exist; and we shall, if we so act, be ourselves acting in opposition to the will of God. But when we are examined, we make no denial, because we are not conscious of any evil, but count it impious not to speak the truth in all things, which also we know is pleasing to God, and because we are also now very desirous to deliver you from an unjust prejudice.

Source. Translated by Marcus Dods and George Reith. From Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol. 1. Edited by Alexander Roberts, James Donaldson, and A. Cleveland Coxe. (Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1885.) Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight. <http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/0127.htm>.


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